Honey! I'm home!
So I am going to start off by NOT apologizing for having not posted on here for almost two years. It was just take too long to type out why. Life is busy and I just sort of forgot about it! Moving on.
I suppose I will quickly list some of the changes that have happened in our lives since I've last hit the publish button on here, and expound on them another time. Oh dear bloggie-boo, how I have missed you.
-CJ is 4 (????!!!!!!!)
-Summer will be 2 in August (not as crazy to me).
-We have a dog that we permenantly love. His name is Walle. We got him at about 7 weeks old from a craigslist ad. I have no idea what kind of dog he is. CJ named him after his beloved Pixar robot. He started out as an adorable but jumpy puppy, and has since mellowed out to a sweet, humble, pathetically lazy guy who lets the kids sit on him.
-CJ is going to be an astronaut (amongst a host of other occupations, such as: racecar driver, submarine 'driver guy', fighter pilot, and I forgot what else ...). His ultimate goal in life is to first land on Mars, then Jupiter. He really reaches for the stars, that little dude. He knows so much about space, planets, and spacecraft... probably more than me, because he retains all the information. He craves it.
-Clint bought a skidsteer (it's his baby) and his business has been really growing at rapid speeds. I am constantly amazed at how organized he is with all the jobs he figures, people he handles, problems he solves and... the math. How does he do the math. So much math.
-I almost forgot. We are having another kidlet!!! Due in August on Summer's birthday (which makes me laugh).
-and... said kidlet will have the privilege of being born on the luscious island of Kauai. Say what...?! That's probably the biggest news. I will expound on that in a future post. I get SO many questions about it.
-I did end up starting my little business, Kahalia Beauty. I took me F-O-R-E-V-E-R to get out there. It thrills my soul when people contact me and tell me they love it. I love it too, so I don't know how I'll live without it because...
-I'm putting it on hold. It requires SO SO SO much time. And I know for a fact that if I dedicated even more time, it would be that much better of a little business. I simply don't have that time right now. Having two children who need me, and being in the middle of filtering out most of my belongings (before we head to Kauai), plus keeping the house, laundry, meals, and sanity going is just too much right now. I do every aspect of Kahalia (formulating, keeping jars and all ingredients in stock, advertising, packaging, shipping, communicating... WHEW). Since I'll be having a baby a month after going to Kauai, it doesn't fit into that time very well either. So right now, Clint and I are trying to figure out a time to get it going again. We're thinking this November, but I will keep you posted!
-I don't run very much anymore (SOB). Distances, that is. CJ and Summer combined, plus stroller and the fact that my whole road is rolling hills, makes running pretty strenuous (I'm pushing 100+ up and down hills). It's like a crossfit workout every time. It's very hard. Which technically, I guess that's good. But I can't run 6 miles everyday anymore. I need to start taking them to the in-laws so I can run alone sometimes. I love it, I crave it!
-For all the people who ask me a lot-- no, I don't do Plexus! ;-) Haha.
-Everyday, CJ gets smarter and more like Clint. People tell him aaaalllll the time he looks just like his Daddy (mainly strangers). I love love love it. If he ends up looking like Clint and being as incredible a human as Clint is, I'll be very pleased. Clint honestly could not be a better dad or a better husband. Honestly, from my heart. I smile when I think of him (if he's at work...if I think of when he's at home, I smile AT him, hehe). I hope I can be as good a wife as he is a husband. Geez, now I miss him. Thankfully he's coming home early because it's going to storm. :-)
-Summer is the most hilarious human in the world. From her funny crooked teeth, to her out-of-control Mufasa hair, to her oddly brown skin and teeny features, she is a package of adorableness. Which is why she gets away with murder. Sometimes I catch Clint looking at her with absolute adoration and total abandon on his face... just pure love. It's so cute. I hope to capture it on camera someday. The first thing Summer says when she wakes up every morning is "Daddy??". Then "CJ?". She loves her dudes.
-I'm getting off of Facebook (on Wednesday... I have to take care of some business first). Surprisingly enough, I have gotten a ton of backlash from this! A lot of suspicious questions and "why on earth??" which actually kind of surprises me. I have never seen facebook as a positive addition to my life, or to anyone else's. I mean... we all survived without it before. Blogs were the way we kept up with each other in the technology age. Blogs, phone conversations, and visits. :-) I do enjoy seeing people's posts, and the messaging system has been very convenient for me. Plus the business side. But I'm purifying my life a little, and Facebook is one of the first to go. Once I get Kahalia rolling again, I will probably manage that page on FB once more, but for now, I'm getting off. I will be posting here as consistently as possible, so you can see what's up! (for those who are interested).
-I'll be supping up this blog a little. It's so ancient looking and it needs some love. Stay tuned!
And now... drumroll please... allow me to share my enchanting offspring. Robin (Clint's littlest sister) is a creative, blossoming photographer, and captured these a few nights ago. They are by far my favorite pictures of CJ and Summer... the capture their personalities so perfectly. There are about 90 more where these came from... I must post some again soon! They are too precious to not share! If you live in the area, check out her page to make an appointment: https://www.facebook.com/Little-Bird-Photography-1581024092131907/?fref=ts
Summer is like... what...
Winding up for the smile...
...there it is.
It is CJ's joy to blow bubbles for Summer to chase. The bubble chase is ever futile, because they pop before your nerves can even tell your brain that you touched it. This still frustrates me.
Their height difference makes me laugh every time I see it in a photo.
CJ is a tall dude, but Summer got the delicate gene somehow.
Bubble face!
She is my joyful sunshine.
Tune in next time. :-)
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